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Whoopp saw something

Yes my mushroom is growing. I thot i am going to fail again, but nope i saw it grows. So happy, will check on it again in couple of days to see the progress. By the way it is so facinating to see and work with my husband. Finally we can work together after a long struggle.
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Start all over again

After couple of failed trial. Including my food business (well not that fail tho, i made sales but not that great. Decided to stop and try new things when i saw new opportunity).  I am starting mushroom cultivation business. Yah with no education about it anyway. Learn everything via youtube. watch tons of videos that made my head spinning. Learning is key point to success i guess. In this moment. Still cultivating. Update again when i did it right. For now everything is just trial and error. Well eventhough the error is devastating i think will keep on trying. Haha. Stay tune guys

starting up is hard

I never knew that starting up a business will be this hard. Especially in emotional part. it is not easy to overcome the fear of failing and the pain where no one buy our product. Somehow feel it that way, especially when this time is pretty devastating for our family finance. Wish i can pull this one through and make a better living for the entire fams.